Friday, October 3, 2008

Turkey Hunting - Fall 2008

This year I ended up with a turkey permit for the fall hunt. This is a good treat since I did not get one of these last year. I always prefer the fall hunt to the spring hunt; it's longer, you are not limited to only toms, and the weather is usually better (nice crisp fall mornings as opposed to possible rain and maybe ticks!)

So, I tried my luck for the first time on Saturday, September 20, one week after the opening day. I was all set up by 6:45am; the morning was gorgeous and not too hot at this point in time. It got a bit hotter later, though. I spent about 2 hours waiting in my little camouflage tent but nothing showed up. I was also not able to hear any turkey noises that morning.

After the still wait, before I packed up the tent and the gear, I walked at the edge of the property and looked down at the neighbor's corn field where very often turkeys feed. Sure enough, there were 50 or more of them down there... unfortunately for me too far away and in an area inaccessible to me.

Oh well, that's the name of the game; you cannot always succeed! On the other hand this gives mo more opportunities to go out and try again. The plan is to try this coming weekend again.

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